
Année #1, La Maison populaire

La Maison du parc du 02/10/2021 au 02/10/2022


dimanche 12 décembre 2021 à 08 h 34

« The fee­ling of being sus­pen­ded in space and time.
I heard the church bellls, and I pre­pa­red myself for ano­ther half hour. Turns out, it was the end.
A gra­dual ligh­te­ning, an increa­sed cla­rity of vision.
Birds chir­ping all around me, sirens, church bells, traf­fic.
La tour Eiffel, hidden by fog.
The warmth of the heater on my left leg, then my right leg when I turned around to face the ban­lieue.
Apartness, breath.
Gratitude. »


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