
Année #1, La Maison populaire

La Maison du parc du 02/10/2021 au 02/10/2022


vendredi 8 avril 2022 à 07 h 13

« Today is my 35th bir­th­day. Every day, I walk in this park – I see the grand rocher de Vincennes, the Panthéon, the Tours d’Olympiades, the châ­teau, the Tour Eiffel. Today I saw them all from on high. I wat­ched the jog­gers, the dog wal­kers, the com­mu­ters. I wat­ched the clouds clear and reform around Paris – per­haps the most wat­ched city on Earth, but this mor­ning, only one wat­ched from this view­point. I saw Montreuil, my quar­tier, waking up, going about its busi­ness, with me sus­pen­ded above it, passed in time and space, enca­sed in a gold box. I wat­ched the wat­cher : the police heli­cop­ter that cut through the sky like a shark through water. On my watch, the ban­lieue was sage and unmo­les­ted. This wee­kend is the pre­si­den­tial elec­tion, where can­di­da­tes who want to change that are asking for our votes. I hope they do not get them. »


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