Holding watch seems like watching time rolling over, life morning on with each breath. A moment of reflexion and contemplation connected to each other...
For me it is the 15th Vigils/Veilleurs in 15 years. We started in Belfort on Vauban’s citadelle in 2011, then came Laval - Rennes - Haguenau - Freiburg - Evreux - Dordrecht - Grarz - Munich - Hull - Capdenae and Caen, with the "Cycle des Veilleurs" 1-2-3. Together we stand, over 2000 vigils holding watch over each other. Time suspended, connected to the surrounding and our environment.
A heart felt thanks to each "veilleur" and to the accompagnateur.ices ! Thank you Zoé (my accompagnatrice) and long life to "Les Veilleurs" !