
Année #2

Ensemble Erard-Charenton, Paris 12e du 08/09/2023 au 08/09/2024


vendredi 8 mars 2024 à 17 h 45

Woman’s Day !

One of my friends wrote to me about the expe­rience. Despite being in Paris for 8 months already, I still felt the desire to open up and dive in a deeper sense of belon­ging. Which she did as well. We connec­ted in this fee­ling and shared our inten­tions for this medi­ta­tive hour with the city.
This mor­ning, I did a slow pre­pa­ra­tion. Music and jour­na­ling. My friend from Mexico was arri­ving today to visit, two strong women gui­ding me in the pro­cess. We went for a walk to Luxembourg garden and talked about Der Himmel über Berlin, a movie that shares a story about Berlin angels taking care of the city. While we talked about this, a big white sea­gull stop­ped right in front of us. Eye to eye, like she was lis­te­ning to the conver­sa­tion.
I got back home to get ready and qui­ckly came to the loca­tion. While I was there, two sea­gulls star­ted flying over the city, making a circle around the box, then flying slowly right in front of my eyes. They knew I would go up to their ter­ri­tory since the mor­ning. I pic­tu­red myself being a sea­gull. Flying above Paris, free and aware of eve­ry­thing around me.

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